Week 13 (7/27/19)

This week I got lucky and all three Dominiques gathered together for a moment or two so I could look at them closer and figure out what might distinguish one from the others.

I had already decided that the one with the biggest comb would be Jadzia Dax in the event she turned out to be a roo. I no longer think any of the chicks in either new flock are boys, so Jadzia will remain Jadzia.

Of the other two girls, I decided that the one with the broader, though somewhat flatter comb will be Kira. Any Deep Space 9 fans out there will understand why.  That leaves the chick with a slender but less prominent comb as Portia Lin.

Week 13 (17)Week 13 (14)

Delenn and Lyta remain the easiest to tell apart. Lyta seems to like to hide more, too, as it took me some time to find her among the weeds.

Week 13 (26)Week 13 (13)Week 13 (10)Week 13 (6)

Chianna, Aeryn Sun, and River Tam round out the group. Chianna comes out of hiding more than the other two, but I think I captured them all in the pics for this week.

Week 13 (23)Week 13 (11)Week 13 (7)Week 13 (4)

Week 13 (25)

I got a close up of Portia at one point. Love her golden eyes!

Week 13 (12)

So goes another week with the growing flocks. Check out the Fourth-and-a-Half flock’s new pics under the Chicken Chronicles tab, and come back every week or so to see more.