Week 5 (5/28/2019)

I’m finally seeing some individual characteristics on many of the chicks as their feathers come in, mostly with the Faverolles and Wyandots. The Dominiques are still harder to separate, but one has a redder comb than the other two. I have officially dubbed that one “Jadzia Dax” and if it turns out to be a roo, I’ll just call him Dax.


Kira and Portia both look pretty much even on the color and size of their combs, and everyone has the same markings, so I may never actually tell them apart.

The Faverolles have clear-cut head markings/colors that set them apart, so the darker “haired” one is officially Delenn, while the lighter one will be Lyta.


And don’t you just love those feathery feetsies!! <Squee!>


(Would be nice if they kept their feetsies out of the feed dish!)

The Wyandots are also becoming more distinct individuals. One has a darker head than the other two, so I am calling her Aeryn Sun. One seems to have a few more golden feathers throughout her body than the others, so she gets to be the flashy Chianna. That leaves River Tam for the third girl.


I’ve been opening the small door during the day, and closing the connecting gate to the primary run so these gals can get some outdoor time. Of course with breakfast on the “table”, they didn’t rush outside just yet.


In a recent simple post, I showed a couple of photos of some of the chicks playing outside. These were taken over the weekend.

week 4-5 (16)week 4-5 (14)

Please come back next week for more photos of the Fourth Flock.